How to make a campfire in Minecraft
In Minecraft, a campfire is a decorative element that can enlighten an area around you and give home of your home a realistic setting, as well as a smoke trail that will rise in the air. The surrounding area of the campfire is lighted comparable to an ordinary torch, but it takes time to decompose, so it is not necessarily ideal for adventures and may want to take it back. It is excellent for your base.
Make the object is not too complicated, it is enough to collect the right amount of resources (like making a real campfire). Here's how to do.
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How to make a campfire in Minecraft
To make a campfire in Minecraft, you will need the following elements:
* 3 wooden sticks
* 1 charcoal or 1 charcoal
* 3 blocks of wood or 3 logs of any wood
The three conditions are easy to find in the game, and you can make the camp fire very early in the life of your seed if you wish. The sticks are made from their manufacture from your wooden blocks. The coal can be found in any underground zone, and you will need at least one wooden dump to pick it up. The charcoal can be melted with wooden articles. Finally, if you want to have logs of wood to make your fire, you will also manufacture it from wooden blocks.
If you play on PC, you will have to open The craft menu. On the grid 3 × 3, your blocks or logs of wood will have to be placed on each of the three lower slots. In the central slot, you will have to Put charcoal or charcoal. Finally, the sticks will go in the slits of the environment Left locations, upper middle and right environment. The slots at the top left and top right Be empty. Once everything is in place, place the campfire in your inventory and You are free to place it wherever you want.
On the console, once you have the objects, Campfire is as easy as finding it on the craft table. You can do it in Search "Campfire" or find the corresponding icon.
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