Spider-Man: No Way Home: Incredible single bill of play for Peter Parker's new adventure

The new Marvel movie Spider-Man: No Way Home not only comes well with critics, he also moves the masses into the cinema: Peter Parker's latest adventure may look back on a scarce week's cinema time at Truly spectacular furniture totals can speak.

And even if the two authors of the film do not know about a fourth spider-one with Tom Holland, the producers together with Marvel President Kevin Fagin will probably think well not to ride the wave of success. Already on the first day No Way Home broke the pandemic record in terms of revenue and also on the weekend, the onslaught on the cinemas did not want to tape.

Breakthrough revenue in the USA and International

How to report Variety, Spider-Man: No Way Home (Buy Now €29.99) Already at his first weekend Sage and write up to $253 million in over 4,000 cinemas in the US. So far, there was no movie during the pandemic to crack only the $100 million border on the first weekend of the USA.

Even outside the United States, the Spider-Man does not have to hide. Whole 334.2 million dollars No Way Home Globally achieved more than 60 markets, which comes with the film overall on the mad sum of 587.2 million dollars. For comparison: Only Avengers: Infinity was ($640 million) and Avengers: Endgame ($1.2 billion) had a stronger first weekend — and both ran from the world's corona pandemic.

Sony Pictures CEO is not surprised

Of course, according to course Tom Rothman, the CEO and chairman of the Sony Pictures Motion Picture Group:

The historical results of Spider-Man: No Way Home this weekend around the world and in the face of many challenges confirm the unbeaten cultural influence that can have cinema exclusive films when producing with a vision and determination.

SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME - TRAILER 2 (2021) Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield | Teaser PRO Concept Version If you belong to the countless fans who have already contributed to the success of No Way Home, we recommend you at this point our overview of surprises and secrets of the film. If you did not have a chance have had to go to the cinema, then there is our spoiler-free movie criticism here.

Source: variety

From Jonas Roger author 22.12.2021 at 18:43


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