Burning Crusade Classic will soon close Arena Season 2

The Absolute STATE Of High End TBC Arena How is the World of Warcraft Classic? Apparently not so bad. If you're asking about the Season of Mastery, players are. The same applies and Burning Crusade Classic. Maybe there are no crowds with many hours of queues, but in both cases you can easily find a companion to play. Nevertheless, there is no such madness that was at the opening of World of Warcraft Classic. Perhaps this will change with the debut of Wrath of the Rich King. However, this is a song of the future, and currently Blizzard announced the end of the Season 2 Arena in Burning Crusade Classic. It will be officially on January 11, 2022. Not specified when a new season will start exactly, but the break between them has been confirmed. During it, you will be able to buy equipment at a lower price. Burning Crusade Classic PVP Season 3 and Phase 3 Content Burning Crusade Classic will go to servers in early 2022.


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