WoW TBC Classic: More Nerfs as announced! Tier-5

Although we had already published a news about the changes for WOW: Burning Crusade Classic, which have gone live with the ID change on December 15, 2021, but we still have to submit information, namely the actual state of Tier 5 raids after the Nerfs. Blizzard has implemented more attenuation than was announced in advance.

How hard are the animal 5-raids now?

With regard to the attenuation of the animal 5-raid's snake scraper and fortress of storms, there were already some ambiguities in advance. In the official announcement it was only meant that the following points should change:

Burning Crusade Classic Tier 5 Nerfs Announced and Reversed, Classic Fresh SoM Servers Revealed Moro grim Tide walker: The health points of the Murdoch are reduced to the post-Nerf stand. Lady Vast: Approved players can now be controlled. Karl'this: The fight now has the post-Nerf stand.

Problem number 1: This information is not really detailed. Problem Number 2: In the original Burning Crusade there were still very much more Nerfs for the bosses and trash opponents of the two RAID challenges. In the patch Notes of 15 December 2021, however, were no longer the above points, but:

The fortress of storms and the cave of the snake crude are now in their state after the slowdowns (original version of Burning Crusade 2.4.3).

So have all Nerfs to patch 2.4.3 have been implemented? Now we know: Jap, that's exactly the case! Through the bank, the opponents were reduced, mechanics simplified and mitigated attacks. The Streamer Sarthe shows in this video how the Nerfs affect:

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Get the Attunements for Phase 3!

Especially the two thick chunks Karl'this and Lady Vast should now be true easily from most guilds. What is good, after all, you need the respective remains, to complete the attunements for the upcoming phase. We are already looking forward to which Speed run records will lie down the guilds in the next IDs. Even before the weakening, there were slaughter trains that had Vast in less than 39 minutes and in less than 43 minutes Karl'this Down

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