How to configure a store in the colors of the Genshin Impact Fecund Blassings store - the event of Ballads and Brews

Fecund Blessings is one of the four events that you can enjoy at the Genshin Impact of Ballads and Brews event dedicated to WeinlesEfest, one of the most important holidays of Ronstadt. The event takes place from September 29 , 2022 K October 17 , 2022 At the same time, you can exchange awards of festive fever until October 24, , 2022 .

Of Fertile blessings are divided into two parts, the second part of the flowers . This allows you to configure your store, which was opened in the contest Charity and creativity.

How to unlock the colors of the Fecund Blessings store in the Genshin Impact of Ballads and Brews event

To unlock fertile blessings, you must perform the first quest of the event called sounds from afar. As soon as this is done, you can unlock the next quest of events called Fertile basket by moving to the Fertile Blessings section in the event menu. This includes a conversation with sister Annette in Springtail, after which fertile blessings opens.

Fecund Hamper Challenge consists of three parts, the first of which is when music sounds. You need to perform it and unlock a charity kiosk to automatically get an event called as a new , where you just need to talk to Bernhard. The completion will open flower store calling to decorate your kiosk.

How to play Shop Colors in the Genshin Impact of Ballads and Brews event

Having fulfilled the above conditions, return to your shelter in Springtail and interact with it to configure the store . The interface is similar to previous events, such as Arena and Snowman tests.

On the left side you can switch between different categories of store design. On the right you can find all the components of your store. They can be obtained by opening the basket of fertility. In addition to the fact that your counter will become more attractive, the store’s components can also be used in serenity pot .

You need to place one component of the store in each category for the goal Complete your store once in the Shop colors section. Meanwhile, you can get the required number of store components to complete the rest of the tasks by finding the rest of the baskets of fertility in the coming days.

Check out our guidance on how to complete the autumn crisis in the event Ballads and beer in Genshin Impact to get more pleasure from WeinlesEfest.


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