How to get the shotgun The Inquisitor Trials of Osiris in Destiny 2 and what is God Roll

Osiris's tests have finally returned for the first time in the looting season. On his return from his also the exclusive weapons and armor of Trials of Osiris arrive. One of which is a new devastating shotgun called The Inquisitor. So today, let's talk How to get the Inquisitor's shotgun, as well as what is the God Roll.

How to get the Inquisitor in Destiny 2

Remember, Trials of Osiris is considered a competitive game mode. At the same time, you can play alone, although it is recommended that you look for two others to join you first, unless you have enough confidence in your ability to play alone.

How to get the Inquisitor in Destiny 2

* Start and compete in Osiris tests.


To start, you must play the prominent game mode Trials of Osiris and gain reputation points. The test versions only appear from Friday to Monday and will withdraw with the daily restart of the following Tuesday. Ensuring deaths and completing matches will make you win reputation points.

* Range up and earn tests

Win reputation points will eventually allow you to increase your range in Osiris tests. Upon ranking, Saint-14 will have an engram test waiting for you. You can only win an engram by rank rise. You can go to Master School to decode his grease to get rewards or focus on a reward that we will discuss below.

* Get on the trial engrams for a better roll.

To buy your own copy of The Inquisitor, you must use one of the trial engrams you have won and then buy one directly from the same Saint-14. It will cost 100 legendary fragments and 20,000 flashes per purchase, so be sure to spend wisely. This also applies to all other Trials of Osiris teams.

* Go impeccable

You can go one step further and wait until The Inquisitor is an outstanding reward for getting impeccable in Trials this week. If you win seven games, you can go to the lighthouse and win a ADEPT version of The Inquisitor.

Destiny 2 The Inquisitor God Roll

There are some notable combos of advantages that can turn The Inquisitor into a first level weapon. But of course, each weapon must have the best roll. According to Light.GG, the pair of best qualified benefits considered the God roll for the weapon is perpetual movement and swordsman .

The perpetual movement gives the weapon additional stability, handling and recharge speed while the width is moving, while Swashbuckler provides the weapon for greater damage due to melee deaths or deaths with this weapon. This combination of benefits allows the width to adapt a game style of running and shooting and decimating anyone who gets in their way. A fantastic choice for PVP activities.

Can you create knife edge in Destiny 2?

Unfortunately, No, you cannot manufacture it at this time. This also applies to all other weapons of Trials of Osiris. However, Bungee has said on a previous Tab that there could be a possibility in a future season that the weapons of Trials of Osiris become manufactured. As long as they become craft in the future, we will make sure to update it with the information. Although maintaining some versions of deep vision of weapons for that same reason is not a bad idea.

That is all you need to know about how to get the Inquisitor in Destiny 2. to get more related information and other Destiny 2 news, including frequent updates of what is coming in the universe, see our articles related below.

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