How to get Erica in the Drimlinite Valley

Behind In Dream light Valley, players can take part in various quests and unlock several popular Disney characters. One of them is Prince Eric from the Mermaid, and you need to perform several quests before unlocking this NPC. Eric is not available at the beginning of the game, and you need to increase the level of friendship with certain characters in order to unlock this NPC. Here's how to unlock Prince Eric in Disney Dream light Valley.

How to unlock Prince Eric in the Dream light Valley?

To unlock Prince Eric in the Dream light Valley, players need to perform Ursula's friendship quests. There are several preliminary conditions for unlocking this NPC. You also need to reach the 10th level of friendship with Ursula , and advance around the quest chain Ariel to unlock Erica. We also recommend increasing the level of friendship with Ariel to 10. In the same way, you need to unlock the biomass from Frosted Heights, Forgotten Lands and Forest of Valor to get the quest to unlock Erica. Players should spend 3000 dreams Unlock Forest of valor , 10,000 Unlock frosty heights and also 15,000 unlock forgotten lands .

During a deal with Ural quest, players need to find magic crystals to unlock the next quest in which Prince Eric participates. Pass the Crystal of Power to Ural to start Poor unfortunate prince quest . After that, you need to visit Ariel and transfer the subject Poor Unfortunate Eric. Ariel asks players to visit Merlin. Talk to the wizard, and he will instruct the players to build a house for Prince Eric.

As soon as the house is built, you need to find an object that belongs to Eric inside the house. Place Eric’s castle in the village and interact with the sign of Screwy Mack to pay for the construction of the house. Find in the castle of Eric an object that is dear to his heart. Product Erica flute, and you need to return it to Ariel. Give the flute to Ariel to complete the task and greet Prince Eric in the Dream light Valley!

Do you want to know how to increase friendship in the Dream light Valley? Check out the best ways to develop friendship in Disney Dream light Valley in games for professionals.


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