Surprise on Disney +: Do not miss the best marvel

Moon Knight has a Disney Marvel PROBLEM The time has come: The perhaps the best Marvel series this year is started with the first episode on Disney +. You have never heard of Moon Knight? Then you have missed the hype so far - what is not bad, after all, you would not have to wait a year more on the first episode.

Streams the first episode of Moon Knight now on Disney +.

Moon Knight is a dark marvel action drama, with no other than Oscar Isaac in the lead role. Isaac knows her movies like the new Star Wars Trilogy (as Poe Dameron) or Dune (as Leto Atreides).

That's why it's in Moon Knight: Steven Grant is a harmless seller in a gift shop and seems to lead a fairly quiet life. However, when blackouts and confusing dreams begin to plague, he realizes that he has another identity, from which he did not know anything - Marc Spector, a former CIA agent and mercenary. As he fights for his chaotic life, he finally comes to the secret for a mysterious moon god.

_Show in the official trailer for a first taste: _

Moon Knight should be unique in the MCU

If you know you with the Marvel Comics, you know that Moon Knight is not only a complex character , but by no means corresponds to the typical superhero. It is more likely to correspond to the type of a anti-hero , which also struggles with his mental health. With a star actor like Oscar Issac, the new MCU also has another character that is adults - according to several significantly younger MCU newcomers.

Moon Knight started on March 30, 2022, on Disney +. The series is broadcast weekly on Wednesday, with a new 45-minute episode. On the 4th of May, the last episode of the first season appears on Disney +.


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