PS plus: Sony calls reasons for changeover, but I missed one

According to ample rumors, Sony has officially announced the restructuring of subscription services PS Plus and PS Now this week. How colleague Tobi has set out correctly in his column on the subject, PS4 and PS5 players do not get Xbox Game pass-killer, but rather expand a very successful subscription model, along with the elimination of a marketing failure.

But what are the reasons for the realignment in the area of PlayStation Services from the point of view of Sony and how are they classified? That's exactly what it should be in this article.

That says Sony to expand PS Plus

In an interview with Jim Ryan, I could not only ask the Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO to why there is no pure "multiplayer only" membership, but also, which from Sony's views were the motivations of restructuring.

Dennis Michel: _WAS was the main reason to combine the idea behind it, PS Plus and PS Now for a larger and with its three ranks more complex subscription service? _

Jim Ryan: Du say (PS plus) is now more complex, we say the service is now clearly simplified. I justify the statement that we now have one more instead of two memberships, which is a significant simplification. (...) It's about ways here. To simplify and possibilities. The simplification of two services to one and therefore to give the members more opportunities to the hand.

What Ryan says here (in English) with "Simplification" is, above all, the enormous proportion of PS now members, which at the same time own a PS plus subscription. More specifically, the 75%, which now only need a subscription. As far as the statement of Ryan is certainly correct, but in my view is still far more behind it.

PS Now, the subscription service understood the "no one"

If a company wants to simplify something, then that often means that the status quo is too complicated. Or that in the case of PS Now, a big mistake was committed to start of the service in 2014. And hereby the quality of the extensive streaming library is meant. In my view, the far better offer compared to PS plus the far better offer - at least for all those who are not on the online multiplayer.

What I mean is the marketing and alignment of PS now as a streaming service for PS2, PS3 and PS4 games. Streaming, and here I restrict myself purely on the German market, is still a sensitive topic. Too much the term in the area of gaming with connection stops, input-layer or, for example, poor Internet lines is associated. But this topic would be none in the case of PS Now, if clearly communicated, that apart from the PS3 games from mid-2018 all titles are also easy to download. It would have been even better, Sony would have integrated that for many as important features right from the start.

I would have to assert the extensive libraries of the service at the latest for the integration of the new feature again more understandable and promoted externally, - for example by a rebranding or a mere change of name - would have the better PS, as written in an earlier article, Plus can be - at least for singleplayer fans. For example, the membership numbers were at 3.2 million subscribers, while PS plus comes to proud 47.6 million subscriptions. (Via PSU)

That both numbers do not give a hair-precision statement about the success in comparison, this is clear due to the multiplayer component and the previous start of PS plus in 2010. However, the numbers also show that just 3 percent of all players who had owned a PS4 at the end of 2020, while PS Plus is a clear subscription horse.

The elimination of PS Now and a greater focus on PS plus was therefore only a matter of time and this overdue step has officially made Sony's official this week.

'All-New PlayStation Plus' Subscription Tiers Explained - IGN Daily Fix How do you see the restructuring of PS plus and the omission of PS Now?


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