DOFUS TOUCH 1.54: Release date of the update, beta and changelog

The update 1.54 inaugurates the pace of this year's patches 2022 on Dofus Touch. "Square of AS", after a week in Beta, also arrives on April 5, 2022 on the game servers.

Updated from 04/04/2022: The update will be deployed tomorrow, during maintenance.

N Update Patch Notes (Everything you need to know)

DOFUS TOUCH 1.54: Update "AS Square"

After a year 2021 ending in the redesign of Pandala, Dofus Touch 1.54 arrives with major changes. On the program, the groups of 4 players, but also the removal of the aggression of mobs and merchant mode. Not to mention new equipment and equilibilities, as well as the arrival of the unlimited restart.

We already summarized most of the novelties in our monitoring of the live Ankama on the update.

Groups and dungeons at 4 players maximum on the 1.54 Dofus Touch

The first major modification of Dofus Touch update is none other than the new 4-player limitation. Much more logical and obvious on a mobile game, it will allow the acceleration of the fighting and a better visibility of the gameplay. This change also induces the stop of automatic monster aggression and the simplification of some labyrinth like the Cawotte spell.

Balancing monsters, a logical consequence

The change of numbers of monsters and players by group necessarily requires a balancing. This is done on the 1.54 update of Dofus Touch.

(on going redaction)

New stuff and panoplie bonus

The sites are numerous on Dofus Touch. And the bonuses of the panoplies beyond the level 100 are also at the heart of this update. Complete this the new equipment we have already met you.

(on going redaction)

Class balances

Some classes take advantage of the 1.54 update with a general up. This is the case of Eniripsa, Enutrof and Feca. But also Pandawa and Sadida!

elite pack bonus and unlimited restart

A new pack bonus comes to play. It brings many modifications expected by the players, but can only be purchased in real money (not in kamas).

  • Restart infinite (excluding parcho and out of combat).
  • Restart infinite spells (excluding combat).
  • Added a fourth daily mission and additional recovery.
  • Access to the house in [- 21, -28] To unblock the embodiment of Manitou Zoth.
  • All bonuses of a Classic Pack Bonus (+150% XP and Drop, +50% XP on the trades).

Merchant Fashion, Sales and Challenges Hotels

  • Say "goodbye! »In merchant mode on Dofus Touch. The latter was often used to harm the experience of other players and no longer need to be while HDV is available from anywhere.
  • To compensate for this loss, the following selection hotels see the day:

    • Tool, Dofus, Beer, Plush, Drink, Packing, Rabmablague, Appart.
  • A new challenge will be available for each class of the game:

    • Fast and furious, unstable, anticipating, without hurrying, static, frontal, elusive, alter ego, archaeologist, faithful friend, chouchou, protective, thirsty, horticulturist, markup, north train station, trunner, trouble, who likes to chastise well, Masked ball, strategist.
  • Three challenges also see their modified bonuses:
    • Two for the price of one: ~~ 25% ~~ -> 35% / Ascension Island: ~ ~ 25 ~~ -> 35
    • Unpredictable: ~~ 25% ~~ -> 45% / Ascension Island: no modification
    • Disturbing: ~~ 10% ~~ -> 20% / Island of Ascension: ~~ 10 ~~ -> 20

Forgematics and trades

  • Several forgemagie runes are added to the pre-existing collection:
    • Rune PA RU AIR, Rune PA Water, Rune PA Fire, Rune PA Ré Neutral, Rune PA Ré Earth, PA SO.
  • In fact, these runes are modified:

    • Rune so: weight = ~ ~ 20 ~~ -> 10
    • The experience provided by the rune care for shields is reduced.
  • The teleportation runes arrive at stake. Manufactured by the handymen, they allow you to teleport to the workshop closest to your profession. The old feature of trades runes and now directly integrated at the interface.

  • For different recipes of the alchemist craft, the water resource is replaced by the cherry resource.
  • The elixirs of Dopeulf temples require fewer ingredients.
  • The strips of the standard fishing rods of the fisherman are modified.
    • They can now be obtained from NPCs Kana Petch [1, -17] and Bhan Laka [9.0] .
  • New recipes for the keys of the dungeon of larvae (Boucher) and for the key of the dungeon of frost (baker). They can now be found in the category of the keys of the sales hotel.
  • The bamboo located in Aerdala in [21, -36] and which could not be harvested is moved elsewhere on the map.
  • Fishing corners have been moved to Sufokia to make them more accessible.

fighting, interfaces and various bugs

  • You can exchange places with a non-player entity in the preparation phase.
  • Only one member of the Alliance can now join the defense of guild collectors.
  • The preview of the damage is activated by default.
  • Elementary damage from the Rekop fate of the Ecaflip Dopeul are now properly displayed in the cat.
  • The state provided by the "long view" spell of the Steamer is now visible in the timeline.
  • The "remission" spell of the Roublard no longer triggers latency.

  • Adding an Information button to display the monster tools.

  • It is now possible to add zaaps and zaapis as favorites in the dedicated interface.
  • Improving the readability of objects icons.
  • When transferring objects, the context menu of the objects does not open over the transfer tab.
  • Adding a search bar in the quest book.

  • Various bug fixes, including latency.

  • Bugs correction on quests and success. Daily missions are also adjusted.

  • Ethereal weapons can no longer be repaired.

  • A tribute to the different volunteers of the game is added to the card [4.0] .
  • The conditions of use of characteristic scrolls are modified; A minimum and maximum value is now specified.
  • When opening a bwak egg, getting the familiar is now instantaneous.
  • The Incarnation of Manitou Zoth is now related to the account.

These additions and modifications can still be changed from here the official server output. We will keep you informed as quickly as possible if it had to happen.
