Date de sortie de Wrath of the Lich King sur WoW Classic

After Vanilla and Warning Crusade, WRATH OF THE LICH KING will be the next extension out on WOW CLASSIC and the question of its release date is evoked here. The second extension of the Blizzard MMORPG will be back on world of Warcraft, for the delight of the fans of the saga. As a reminder, Wotlk is the extension that marks the top of the game's popularity, with nearly 12 million subscribers.

Update : Update of April 19, the official release date is only limited to 2022 for the moment.

The main changes compared to the original Wotlk

Wrath of the Lich King Classic Announce Cinematic Trailer | World of Warcraft For the moment, the changes will be relatively limited. We will note :

  • No dungeon search system
  • The personality via the barber, increased compared to LK
  • An output speed of the bearing patches, like BC Classic
  • an Arena system via a personal rather than team score
  • The DK will be playable at level 58 from the PREPATCH

The release date of Wrath of the Lich King

For the moment, no precise exit date has been officially announced. Blizzard only published a "2022" at the end of the trailer to present a date. Thus, we anticipate an exit around November 2022, in order to leave enough time to the Burning Crusade Classic players to enjoy the content around Sunwell. In addition, this will play the nostalgia since the WoLK extension came out at the end of the year at the time.

While waiting for the release of Wrath of the Lich King, you can find all our information and guides on our World of Warcraft portal.


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