Back 4 Blood: a band

A few days before its exit scheduled for April 12 at 19h, the tunnel extension of terror is revealed in a trailer thoroughly revealing its content.

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And it is better to know what's on the menu since this extension will be sold separately, unless you are already in possession of the Ultimate edition, the Deluxe edition or the annual pass. So here is a preview of Sharice and Heng. One is a firefighter handling the ax as a person and whose vocation is worth a penchant for defensive skills, the other is a restaurateur more young but whose experience with the kitchen knife is ravages today. infested.

The video leads us to the bottom of the hives of infested, the new cooperative activity in JCE where teams of four maximum players will come down into seven dungeons composed of tunnels filled with monsters. To get out with rewards that are worth it, players will have to face three new distorted infested, namely sea urchins, shredders and rippers. These new variants will also be playable in cloud mode in JCJ.

The tunnel extension of terror is also accompanied by 7 new legendary arms, 8 appearances of characters, 12 appearances of weapons or new cards (including "powerful blow") to change the gaming experience. The exit of The extension will take place at the same time as a free update bringing the level of difficulty "no hope" to make veterans want to surpass. Notable detail, playable content included in the extension will be accessible to all players of a group as soon as at least one group member is in possession of the extension.


Back 4 Blood - Trailer of the extension "Tunnels of Terror"


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