Resident Evil 4-Remake becomes clearly scary as the original, according to the new report
Resident Evil 4 with current artwork and even more scary? That should be a real dream for many Horror's. Let us believe a current report, so he could be true. Allegedly, the scull mood in the remake, to which many rumors tend to devote from that of the original and also accompany us Ada Wong longer.
Remake should be scary and soon be announced
It's about it: No, you did not miss an official announcement. Whether the Resident Evil 4-Remake, which is permanent guest in the rumor kitchen, is actually in progress, was still not confirmed. However, a new report from refers to insiders and not only claims that the new edition is to be revealed this year - and maybe soon - even soon - but also expresses changes in remake.
Twitter User Nibel (@nibellion) has summarized the most important cornerstones of the article in a Tweet:
\ - The village scene and "a decent part of the game" will now take place at night.
\ Creepy and inspired by the RE4 betas
\ - Successful characters have larger roles
\ - Ada's campaign is expanded
\ - Possible reveal sometime early 2022
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How likely is it that the information is true? You should always enjoy leaks with caution. Even if the sources of Fanbyte prove serious, the magazine itself acknowledges that the information received could already be outdated and not to correspond to the current development goal.
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Tone case should change
The report explains that in remake does not reverse any scene as we are used to. Already the beginning of the game, in which Leon goes into the village, should no longer take place during the day, but at night - and not only this scene should be relocated into the dark.
Thus, the developer team wants to steer the grusel atmosphere of the game in a slightly different direction. The eerie mood is supposed to remember the Gamecube demos in which RESI 4 was still working like a very different game. Various early versions of the game showed Leon, among other things, in gloomy corridors of a castle in which he fought with hallucinations. These caused the fact that truth and imagination were blurred and awakened to life.
How far-reaching the changes are unclear: If these reports prove correctly, still will be waiting for how profound changes in the game are really. A recurrence of the lively sheet metal montage would probably be unlikely. The report suggests that the innovations relate to the mood and simply becomes more scary - in contrast to the "panic horror", the Resident Evil 4 at many other places in us triggered.
More differences
Already two years ago, an insider also indicated substantive changes, which also speaks of the new report, albeit in other form. The speech is that minor characters should be granted more time. This is especially suitable for the mysterious Ada Wong, which appears everywhere where Leon is.
Your campaign should be removed in remake. Whether this is DLC content, also remains unclear in the report. If the remake is actually announced, but there is still far more important questions to clarify, just because the original at fans enjoys the reputation as one of the best, if not even the best Resident Evil game at all.
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