Wow: do not really care what Blizzard does

Blizzard had to have a lot of critiques in recent years. Most of it also quite right, they barely left a fat sink — whether in the development of WoW or the scandals in summer. But more and more often you get the impression that Blizzard has no chance, but also criticize many critics from habit — no matter what it works. Patch earlier or later, grind or no grind, story, balancing, content — actually it often does not matter, for which way the developers decide — in the forums it cooks or so high. And from the way criticism is now expressed, we do not want to start.

So I do not want to take Blizzard in protection. In the past, a lot of going wrong with the Californian developer. In addition, and must always be allowed to be allowed as long as it moves in an acceptable frame. However, the announcements and PTR to Patch 9.2 clearly show me that it can not value criticism in the meantime. Because Blizzard can not do it all right and is to blame anyway. A few examples complacent?

Grind or not Grind — that's the question!

If you look back on the last patches, you can see a back and forth the developer. The problem is there — in both cases, there were great protests and tremendous criticism.

In Patch 9.0 there was practically no Grand for Player Power. The players could endless Anima farms to buy great toys, mounts and the like. Anyone who wanted to strengthen his character, but he had little to whirl, but could spend his time in Raids, Dungeons or the Arena. Result: Many players were bored and erased that they had to play only five minutes a week and had no chance to improve their character. In Patch 9.1 came then Parthia and the players got exactly what they wanted before — a grind opportunity to improve their character. Cataloged research the media and equipment could be upgraded, and you were allowed to buy sockets. Result: The forums exploded with complaints why there would be so much grind in the game now? That's what the developers wanted to abolish with Shadow lands? Now you have to suddenly again farm every day, to stay on the ball. In Patch 9.2 is therefore Earth Morris. An area where you can farm a lot for the Player Power but is quite uninteresting and theoretically completely ignored. And who would have thought it, in the forums and on the PTR, the players complain that 9.2 yes quasi does not bring content into the game because you do not want to do Earth Morris.

In Parthia, many players complained about the amount of Grind, which was necessary for Player Power. Source: Blizzard Patch you see: Whether Blizzard now brings Grind into the game, players in content forces or leaves him completely optional — a shit storm will get you for every decision. Interestingly, it is not forcibly about different types of players. The two statements in quotes in front came, for example, from one and the same person.

Time gating and Story — there is no right and wrong

No matter where you look in Wow (Buy €14.99) — everywhere there are similar examples that are already clear that many players will complain.

Keyword Treating: Should Content How the campaigns are rather published bitwise, as is currently the case? Blizzard says yes, a pile of player says no. You do not feel like waiting for the finals for weeks, but you prefer to play through everything directly. In the past, Blizzard has done this now and then and published everything on a beat. And now advise who complained in the forums and comment columns that after 72 hours no content was there anymore? Or because they did not understand the story. Has just happen when you get everything at the same time around the ears.

The story of Wow has developed into a direction in which it can hardly be continued satisfactorily. Source: Blizzard Keyword Story: One of the big criticisms is currently the story that should come to an end with patch 9.2. The headline players are dissatisfied with the story could actually have been able to write before Blizzard Patch 9.2 and the Cinematic brought to the PTR. Sylvan as dies, Sylvan as gets forgiveness, Sylvan as sacrifices, Indoor kills Sylvan as, Sylvan as kills the Chairman, a cosmic time travel Lillian comes out and kidnapped her on his golden unicorn?

Actually, it does not matter how Blizzard continues the story, John and Mock is sure to be sure. At least for each of the previous examples (except Lillian, of course, I know at least one handful of players who would find it well, and a couple who would have an eradicate to cancel their subscription.

Blizzard You're FRUSTRATING! Enough Already! Balancing not perfect? So quasi unplayable bad!

You can continue to look through the categories and be sure that a pile of WoW player will get upset. Class balances are always a guarantee for scolding players in the forums.

Keyword Balancing: With hardly a topic, so much blended and thrown around with half-truths as with balancing and the request to buffer its own class. There are examine noise buffs in the forum, because one of the three specs is not among the top3 and shadow priests find their class unplayable because they do not do twice as much harm as everyone else with one of the ten boss fights in the raid. That sounds a bit exaggerated, but actually corresponds to the truth — even if it was only a few players.

Of course, it is also that balancing in Wow is still better than that of all the other MMOs. But if you speak at +/- 10 percent difference from a disaster and unplayable classes, then you get a problem. For a perfect balancing will never give it and the critique will never disappear in the case.

Why Blizzard is to blame for themselves, you read on page 2



1 2 3 WOW: Actually, no matter what Blizzard does — the Shit storm is coming eh wow: Criticism is not the same criticism and why Blizzard herself guilt is a picture gallery too Wow: actually no matter what Blizzard does — the shit storm is coming up anyway

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